working women this is for you Part-II

As working women we may have many challenges in praying regularly. But we can not give these excuses forever as lack of prayer is going to make our busy life more and more crazy. In this article we are going to see few ways of overcoming irregular prayer time!

Those who missed the previous article please check that out here

Working women this is for you Part – I

Pray in small portions

Finding an hour to pray each day will be definitely hard and even if you spend an hour fully, the focus may not be that good. Instead we can break an hour into 4 or five chunks and pray fervently at that time. You can go for the below schedule which is just a suggestion, be creative in your own way,

  • Morning after you wake up Read bible for 10 minutes and pray for 5 minutes.
  • Afternoon Pray for 15 minutes for your office work.
  • Evening take a coffee or tea break and listen to Gospel songs or go for a prayer walk and spend time only in thanking God!
  • At night before going to bed pray with your spouse or make personal prayer for 15 minutes. Pray mainly for the things that are bothering you more and submit people who hurt you and forgive them before hitting the bed.

Plan your day on your previous day

You have no idea how relieving this can be. We are called to make plans ahead so that we know what to prioritize and what not to. Assume you need to catch a flight at 2 AM tomorrow morning won’t you be planning on how you are going to go a day ahead. Won’t you book a cab a day ahead? Won’t we try to sleep early so that we can wake up at 12 AM? Most of us will reach the airport by 12 AM for a 2 AM flight. Our priority will lead us to our plans and our plans lead us to actions.

The Bible commands us to,

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.Proverbs 16:3

What will we commit to the Lord if we don’t have any plans? If we plan our next day ahead of time we will be able to wake up accordingly and pray. In fact when we plan for the next day we can pray and plan and that will be a blessed time! God loves to help us make plans!


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