Working women this is for you Part – I


Are you tired of sleep-less nights and less-sleep frights? Are you one of those women who do not have time for prayer and bible meditation?  You love being a home maker but miss having personal time with the Lord?  In this series we will see short steps to overcome the challenges of being a working woman.

The quilt of guilt

How we approach this problem matters. First things first! First of all stop feeling guilty about not being able to pray. Has it ever helped us pray regularly? If we pray because we feel guilty of not praying will that be a prayer from heart? Many times we think we should pray to impress God. Especially being a believing woman we feel so guilty if we are unable to pray. Our motive to pray should be because of the value of prayer and the value of spending time with God and not to quench the fire of guilt.

True repentance is the right way to quench the burning quilt of guilt. Truly repentant heart cries out “I miss you Dada! Wanna listen to you speak! Your word is my life” and doesn’t carry a backpack full of fake Apology cards yelling, “Sorry God! I wanna pray but I am too busy”. Our love and thirst to spend time with God should be the driving force and not guilt!

How do we overcome this?

To overcome this we need to replace thoughts of guilt with that of thoughts of value for prayer and we need to constantly remind us of the power of God’s word. We should rejoice in the hope we have and pray, only then our prayer will be filled with power-packed God’s word of hope and not mere venting out of feelings!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12 : 12


Turn from Worrier into a Warrior!

Did you know? if you calculate the time you spent worrying about not being able to spend time with the Lord, it will measure up to at least 1 hour a day. Instead of worrying why don’t you convert your worry into a prayer point. If our mind is thinking “What will I do to spend time in prayer? How will I finish all the household chores on time? How will I finish my office work on time?” we can instead pray in thoughts “Lord thank you for this little time of prayer. I pray that you will help me to do everything for your glory! Help me to be prudent and active! Remove all my physical pain! I praise you for blessing my day! In Jesus’ name I pray Amen! Amen!”

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to GodPhilippians 4:6-7

You have no idea how powerful these short prayers are! Give it a start!

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