The story of a fawn

With one month gone already, for some this might be yet another year, whose resolutions are filling the bucket lists, while few others have smartly decided not to make any resolution.

I’m back into the blogging after a long hibernation. This article has been inside my heart for a really long time, but only now has it taken a shape with words.

Do we yearn to do something different this year? Shall we give it a pinch of try?

Are you struggling with someone who is a road rash of rude words?

Have you met someone who is moody and unpredictable ?

Have you restrained them from entering into your courts already ?

Have you met someone who’s too touchy and gets provoked easily?

Are you scared to talk to some people as they always end up misunderstanding you?

Have you avoided someone because they don’t listen but only talk?

Well… it is difficult to handle them! I totally understand! ‘Coz , I was one of them!

A ‘Speaking’ story’s here,

There was a fawn in a small forest where hunters marked their adventures. This fawn was hated by her own mother doe and father deer as this fawn was not pretty. This fawn had to search for food all alone, as she was not accepted in her flock. One day the hunters saw this fawn grazing nearby alone and shot arrows aiming at her. The poor little fawn was hit on her back with few arrows and her hind leg was hit with one too.

She couldn’t walk yet she crawled! She didn’t give up! She hid herself among the bushes and the hunters searched for her but couldn’t find as it was almost dusk and the darkness kept the fawn safe.

Next day this fawn was still alive, and was limping and moving. There came a kind hare who empathized with the fawn and tried to pull the arrow out. But the fawn squealed in pain and wiggled its back and limped away from the hare. The arrows on the back of the fawn had torn the skin of the hare.

Many more animals came by and received wounds caused by the arrows of the fawn. Each and every animal started hating the fawn for this. Every animal who tried to help was hurt.

Finally, the lion came by. The fawn was scared so she tried to limp away!

But the lion softly tried to pull the arrow out. The fawn rolled in pain causing the arrow scratch the lion’s face. The lion did not give up! To pull out each and every arrow the lion had to receive so many wounds.

Finally when all the arrows had been removed, the lion applied some medicinal oil over the fawn’s wound. It took few months for the fawn to fully recover from this!

The lion became the fawn’s best friend. This surprised the forest.

So the kind hare asked the lion,

“How did you help the fawn?

That fawn was a road rash who keeps hurting people!

It is an arrogant fawn.

Too proud to get help from others.

How did you do that?”

The lion chuckled and said,

“ I didn’t help the fawn,

but the fawn was helping me”.

The hare goes befuddled,

“What are you talking about?

Talk some sense to me bro!”

The lion sighed and said,

“Well… the wounds that the fawn caused in me are just specks when I compare it to the pain the fawn has been going through.

And the only way anyone could help the fawn is by bearing those small scratches.

I bore it and pulled the arrows out. So the fawn trusted me and stopped trying to defend. After little painful scratches I was easily able to guide her. That way, I was able to help her recover from the wounds.

Something that I learned from the fawn is this,

Even when the fawn was going through all this she was still moving forward by limping and crawling.

And here we are, cornering and hating her for the small scratches she caused due to her immense pain.

This taught me how blessed we all are and yet complaining about the small hurts that are caused by others who are in excruciating long term pain”. The kind hare’s eyes were opened!

Where did the sharp edges come from ?

The people whom you have labelled as “difficult to handle” seem to have sharp edges because they are beautiful glasses broken. Hurting people hurt people!

Just to shock you, do you know that such people don’t even know that they are being rude to others?

Some lose focus due to their pain and some don’t even know how to behave as they’re short of emotional caliber.

Some have severe intellectual sluggishness due to lack of sleep which is due to their emotional stress.

Some are extremely odd personalities only because they had a bitter childhood and they grew up with depressions creeping around their head.

Be kind

Shall we make this year slightly different from last year by befriending the people who are in a lot of pain? Our kindness is powerful enough to change many a lives! The broken people even though rude outside are living in fear every moment. They need your kindness!

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Ephesians 4:2, 3

Be keen

Shall we try to listen to their problems when they cry to us ? Being heard is all the hurting ones long for!

The hurting ones are not looking for advice. Your love and listening ear is all they need. James wasn’t writing this without a reason,

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen (hear without assumptions), slow to speak (suggest/express information/rebuke) and slow to become angry (annoyed / irritated / uncomfortable). James 1:19


Dear pal,

Will you make a decision to be kind to people who are hurting you unintentionally? You may not need them but they need you! Will you go and talk to such destitute people?

Will you listen to them if they are sharing their pain and hear them genuinely? Let’s genuinely show love and kindness to these people consistently.

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