The Refresher God

One of my favorite promises is this,

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

I love giving new names to my Dada God. Well here’s one, “The Refresher God”. The above verse says everyone who is refreshing others will be refreshed, as God is their refresher. In order to get benefited let’s take a closer look at the condition “those who refresh others”. Here are few pointers to truly refresh others.

Excited yet exhausted

The moment we read this verse we get excited at the same time exhausted. How long can I keep  refreshing others? Am I a watering can? Is it wrong to expect something in return from others? It’s human nature to expect something back.

So let me give you a new perspective!

First of all, God has invested loads of time, patience, love, discipline, faithfulness, promises and fulfillment into our lives and beautified us with some good flavors of the fruit of spirit. We should understand that the Good qualities which was graciously molded into us by Potter God is much costlier than the simple things that we may receive from others. We can’t lose those precious qualities for the sake of receiving something back from others. Assume you received what you expected, what fruit of Spirit does it produce? Patience? Kindness? The qualities God has etched within you is who you are right now.

Secondly, You have come a long way! I know it’s tiring but, getting tired in doing good will make us lose our true identity and the prize we worked so hard all along. Remember the prize is always at the end of the race. If we give up now all our initial run will be in vain.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

What makes us tired ?

I know it’s tiring after a point of time and it becomes so difficult to be there for others. We even start looking for fishes that can meet our fishing net of “Expectations” and when no fishes get caught we get even more tired. You know what actually makes us tired? Our pride. If we are proud that we are doing more or if we keep thinking that we are doing without receiving anything back, we will soon be having less energy to do anything. Pride leaks our strength and makes us tired.

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Matthew 6:3

The verse says that even our left hand should not know about what we gave(money, time, energy, etc.). If we notice well we can see that it says “let not YOUR left hand know”. This verse indirectly says that even WE should not be knowing. In other words, we should not  remind us of what we are doing. Isn’t that how pride works? To keep telling ourselves of all the good things that we do. Let’s stop letting pride drain us off!

Are we actually refreshing others?

Many a times we are immersed into the false impression that we did so much good. Our Good intentions and good deeds will be refreshing only when it’s done the right way and meets the needs of the receiver. Not understanding the receiver is like taking a vegan to KFC and buying him  Veg Nuggets that actually taste weird and gobble up few buckets of Chicken wings in front of him, piling up bones like fire woods and gust out a Dino burp. How awkward and rude!

Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12

The above verse doesn’t say if you like chocolates  buy chocolates for others. It’s says if you expect others to understand that you like chocolates then try to understand what others like. I used to be a rude person who never cared about others’ needs but the above verse really spoke to me!

Refresh to empower not to pamper

Some swing to the other extreme and become a fluffy little bunny who pampers wrong ideals. Helping the poor materially is good but empowering them is great. Try to sponsor for the education of needy rather than serving a rich meal on your birthday. Empowering is like teaching  someone to fish instead of feeding him with fish. When we help only to feel good about ourselves we are not driven by love but self righteousness. But true love looks beyond and uplifts the needy beyond their expectations.

If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:3

Surely we will be refreshed by God at the right time as we continue to refresh others, for Our God keeps His promises! Cheer up! Go refresh someone in need!

A small prayer

Loving Jesus Christ! You refresh everyone with love without getting tired. Help us to become like you! Help us not to boast about what we do and refresh others by truly understanding them out of love. Teach us to do what is best for others and to truly refresh them. In Jesus’ name I pray! Amen!

3 Replies to “The Refresher God”

  1. Beautiful n blessed write up.
    Aloshi dear, God will use you more n more n make you a blessing to many many …
    Loads of love 😘

  2. Well, as I chatted with this cab driver and he let me get a word in, he had been attacking the church. And I said, “You know, I remember a sign that a demonstrator waved back in the ‘ out in California. It said, “Jesus, yes; Christianity, no.” I said, “You know, I can understand why you might be cynical about the church, about Christianity, about Christians. But you know what? That’s why I stake my life on Jesus Christ. There’s no cause for cynicism there.” You know there is something about that name, like the song says. Because beginning to talk about Jesus calmed this man down, seemed lighten his load, and actually brought a smile to his face.

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