Does Word work wonder? Part II

“What a happy ’Smiling Face’ is she! Did a Similie just come alive! C’mon look at her. Does she have any problem in her life!?!” we mumble often. And the actual truth is that the ’Smiling Face’ has pulled up the left and right sides of her lips with two invisible strings and pegged them tight to the back of her head to bring a huge grin (broad smile).

Behind every smooth look there are un-pressed wrinkles. I’m not talkin’bout the anti aging do-over… Phew… Inside every brave man there’s a cry-a-lot kid. A dent of hurt! A tint of dirt! There is a story behind every fake smile.

Are you tired of trying to relieve from pain and rejoice for real? Have you added “Rejoice in the Lord always!” to your unattainable bucket list already? When pain rubs your shoulder it’s trying to say “you’re hurting, so you need healing!”. Don’t shush the pain with temporary pain killer solutions! Just meet the healer by reading the Word of God everyday as it heals every crumb of brokenness! Let me tell you how that works,

Time ticks – Does it do the tricks?

Pain’s intensity cannot be realized until tear drops wet your pillows and it’s also one of Lé Incomprehensibles! Having no one to understand the pain makes the pain of the pain a much painful pain! You know what I mean! And you decide to give it some time and soon you’re shocked to see that the pain has grown horns and thorns just to get worse each day.

You must’ve heard this “Time is a good healer”, maybe that’s true to some extent but I have a question, “Do we have that much time?”. Life is too short to let time heal everything. Time is a good healer but God is the best healer! He heals us by sending His word!

“He sent out His word and healed them”, says Psalm 107:20

The Painful Pain

When pain is overwhelming we cry “I just wanna kill this pain”. It’s not wrong to feel that way. If we don’t kill the pain the pain will slowly kill us little by little. But killing the pain alone is not healing, finding the root cause and treating it is! The word of God discerns and reveals every deep root that needs pruning! The word of God works like medicine treating the root cause of the problem and you’ll conquer pain!

[Word of God] is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. “, says Hebrews 4:12

“For they [Word of God] bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. “, says Proverbs 4:22

Healing is much more!

Killing pain is needed, but just killing pain will only let you survive temporarily! Healing is not just to be relieved from pain it’s much more. Real healing is no more afraid of the pain! Real healing brings a brand new life! Real healing is no more afraid of the past! Real healing brings a fresh start!

“Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. ”, says Isaiah 43:19

Dear pal,

Yes! God’s word will heal you and help you overcome pain! He’ll make a roadway just for you in the wilderness! Will you try reading at least 10 verses a day from the word of God? You can start by reading the Book of Proverbs. One chapter of Proverbs a day keeps Foolishness away! If you love stories you can start with the book of Genesis from the Old Testament or Matthew from the New Testament. Be Healed! Stay Healed!

4 Replies to “Does Word work wonder? Part II”

    1. True Donny, it took so many years for me to realize that… Now that I know the truth which has set me free, I deeply desire to enable others to enjoy freedom and healing through this blog.

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