God lifts the humble

One of my favorite verses is this,

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:10

What a jaw dropping promise! When I read this I tried to be more humble so that I can be lifted up especially before my enemies. But slowly as I realized that I fell short of humility that God expected from me and I had not understood the real purpose behind it. So I started seeking some guidance from an expert in humility – Jesus and He was sweet enough to teach me to be truly humble and to be lifted up according to His plans and purpose. I’m still learning though.

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The Question that I had

I don’t know about you, but I asked God, “Why do u say that the humble will be lifted up? What about the arrogant people who have taken up high positions already?”

God said the answer is there in the question. I was befuddled (puzzled)!

And I said, “God! My phone is smart, but not me. Can you explain that to me?”

So God replied, “I want humble people to be lifted up and take higher positions, so that the world will know the significance of humility and the world will be impacted by them”.

World finds humility different and difficult

For the world, humility is a seasonal one. The world says that we need to be humble when we are in lower positions and when we reach heights we can become arrogant and pompous. When someone from a higher position humbles himself and does something that is considered lowly, people are so surprised. They think it’s a great deal. It has become a great deal because world thinks that it’s okay to be pig-headed-proud when someone is in higher position and humility looks too different and difficult.

Can we follow this worldly pattern as God’s children? God wants us to be humble always. Humility is not a temporary decision to please God but a permanent lifestyle to become like God, for we serve a God who humbled himself to take a human for and served humans.

Surely one day God will lift us up, but we should inculcate humility right from the beginning, so that when we are lifted up we will be more humble. For those who are already in a higher or a better position, let’s realize that God has invested tons of Grace into our lives to make us MORE humble as we are indebted to God for lifting us up and definitely not to become arrogant and  not to bring shame to His glorious name.

Let’s not forget that when we reach heavens we will not witness any form of arrogance or pride. Remember what happened to Lucifer when he became proud? He was cast down. In heavens we will be humbling ourselves out of love and worshiping him forever with joy!


Dear Pal,

Let’s ask God to teach us to be more humble when we are lifted up. Let’s strive to make humility our lifestyle. 

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